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Old 07-28-2011, 12:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants View Post
i hit a few links and found:

Other speculation this may correlate with the debt ceiling talks which now seem to haven fallen apart and entered into the point of no return or if the announcement is related to recently reported nuclear threats from reactors in danger within the US.

The Russia today video attached below covers the many of the questions fears and shows a wide range of reactions from U.S. citizens about the Pentagon’s announcement of stationing 20,000 troops within the United States.

and :

The deployment may also be part of the beginning phases of REX84 (Readiness Exercise 1984) being activated due to a catastrophic event that is yet to take place.

A NASA video recently released alludes to this possibility and issues a warning to all employees regarding living near large
bodies of water. Watch the NASA video yourself.

as well as:

Another possibility reason for the deployment may stem from reports that White House was prompted by NASA late last year that there was threat from outer space now facing the nation and a deflection campaign will need to be implemented – this document was signed by Eric P. Holdren.

Then you have the FEMA/FCC Take over drill happening on September 26, 2011 — the very same day asteroid 2005 YU55 threatens to hit earth and/or the moon.

Alternatively, another catastrophic threat from space would be the detonation of the super nuclear EMP bomb a just released defense intelligence report reveals China has been building and testing.

According to a report in The Asia Times, the EMP bomb could be detonated in outer space and would destroy all electronic equipment in the U.S. effectively sending America back to the middle ages in less than one second.

Casualty estimates project that 9 out of 10 Americans would die within a year as a result of the blast.

check out the awesomeness:
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