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Old 10-27-2006, 03:55 PM
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timmgirvan timmgirvan is offline
Havre de Grace
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Powder Springs Ga
Posts: 5,780

DTS: well, if being called a liberal(which you used to admit to,laughingly)and myopic,and disigenuous is an insult, then your hormone levels must be low, cuz your feelings are getting in the way. I told you before that I'd let the investigation play out(the same as you did when answering Skippy) and even gave some of my thoughts in last few posts. But you glossed over them, because my opinions don't meet your facts. To the best of my recollection, I have never come close to attacking you( I was rather harsh to KRIM once) but I worked in a warehouse with(shiver) Teamsters for 30 yrs, so I could be a little scewed as to what constiutes an insult. As a last point, do you not see that what you post usually has a 'slant' to it? P.S. Damn you eat good! you cook all that or are you hitting a resturant!
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