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Old 10-10-2011, 08:31 AM
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Steve Byk
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Greenwich, NY
Posts: 43,549
Default 10/10: Belmont (8th-9th); Santa Anita (3rd-9th)



8th: NY-ALW/N1X, 3+, 6f-IT (P3, DD, Super)

Turn Up the Music and Petey Cramer are VERY beatable top ML choices. Hooligan's Delight prime here with next pair. Suggest DD play into Pebbles to Elusive Pearl (heavier), My Redbyrd (lighter)..

Most Likely: #9 HOOLIGAN'S DELIGHT 4-1 2nd
Best Value: #4 Barrel of Love 6-1 3rd
Exotics Use: #3 Wee Freudian 5-1 WON ($10.60)

$1 Exacta (3-9) Paid $28.50
$1 Trifecta (3-9-4) Paid $87.00

9th: 19th Pebbles, 3yo-F, 1m-T (DD, Super)

Most Likely: #5 Elusive Pearl 3-1 WON ($6.10)
Best Value: #7 My Redbyrd 10-1 3rd
Exotics Use: #4 Ruthenia 7-2 5th
Super Add: #8 Divalarious 6-1 4th

$1 Double (3-5) Paid $17.60



3rd: 37th Jack Goodman, 2yo, 6f (P3, DD, Super)

#5 Sweet Swap a full brother to Sidney's Candy, but wouldn't expect same brilliance quite yet based on mixed reviews of morning machinations..

Most Likely: #4 Secret Circle 4-5 WON ($3.20)
Best Value: #1 Galex 12-1 2nd
Next Best: #5 Sweet Swap 9-5 5th
Super Add: #6 Scallion 8-1 6th

4th: MSW, 2yo-F, 1m-T (P6, P3, DD, Super)

Best Value: #5 Mending Wall 15-1 3rd
Next Best: #3 Special Charm 5-2 4th
Exotics Use: #4 Hannah G 10-1 8th
Super Add: #8 Cascina 3-1 10th

5th: CLM, F&M-3+, 6.5f (P3, DD, Super)

Brutally tough set..

Most Likely: #2 Lisa Lulu 8-1 5th
Best Value: #1 Indiara 15-1 8th
Next Best: #5 Nothing to Fear 6-1 3rd
Exotics Use: #9 Lutess 6-1 10th

6th: CLM, 3yo, 1m-T (P4, P3, DD, Super)

Best Value: #1 Fifth Dimension 6-1 WON ($17.20)
Next Best: #7 Nahem 4-1 5th
Exotics Use: #8 Memen 6-1 9th
Super Add: #4 Every Ego 8-1 6th

7th: OC/N1X, F&M-3+, 6.5f (P3, DD, Super)

Best Value: #11 TEDDY'S PROMISE 8-1 WON ($10.40)
Next Best: #3 Include Me Out 4-1 2nd
Exotics Use: #1 Zenidekka 6-1 9th
Super Add: #12 Brazilian Charm 12-1 12th

8th: 38th Morvich (G3), 3+, 6.5f-T (DD, Super)

Most Likely: #7 Camp Victory 6-5 5th
Best Value: #4 El Gato Malo 8-1 8th
Exotics Use: #3 Excessive Passion 8-1 2nd
Super Add: #6 California Flag 6-1 WON ($15.40)

9th: CA-MDN CLM, 2yo, 6f (Super, Super Hi-5)

Best Value: #8 Tropiluk 9-2 9th
Next Best: #2 Got Even 5-2 WON ($4.60)
Exotics Use: #11 Go to the Pulpit 7-2 3rd
Super Add: #5 Mustache Charlie 10-1 4th
Hi-5 Play: #7 Warren's Marshall 12-1 8th

<$100 P6 Play:

4: 3-4-5
5: 1-2-5-9
6: 1
7: 11
8: 4-7
9: 2-8

3x4x1x1x2x2 = 48 x $2 = $96

<$75 P4 Play:

6: 1-7
7: 1-3-11
8: 3-4-6-7
9: 2-5-7-8-11

2x3x4x5 = 120 x .50 = $60

$0.50 Pick 4 (1/11/6/2,12,13) Paid $906.65

Good luck!
All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind. ~ Joseph Conrad
A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right. ~ Thomas Paine
Don't let anyone tell you that your dreams can't come true. They are only afraid that theirs won't and yours will. ~ Robert Evans

Last edited by Kasept : 10-10-2011 at 07:50 PM.
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