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Old 12-03-2011, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
you do realize that information would not in a million years be available to the author of the article but why let facts get in the way of your rants.
and don't let a criminal prosecution get in the way of a good story. I'm not blaming the author for anything, it was of Pulitzer quality, just hoping he or someone else, even Holder maybe, would follow-up on what could make Maddoff look like a lil baby.

Newt and Rahm both got paid off by Fannie/Freddie, if that’s not a clue of where this could lead? Goldman made pennies while $200 billion plus was possibly stolen from us, as in U.S. taxpayers including pillaging our SS funds.

Fannie and Freddie has a bi-partisan stink on it like nothing else I can recall. Let's get to the bottom of why our treasury and fed would take over and invest in a couple of companies the Treasury Sec of the US stated to the public (his investors) that he wasn't going to invest anymore in, less than a month previous. This 'contract’ should be challenged in court on the grounds of fraud. One bad deal we can right. How jaded of me to think the settlement/judgment would be huge but put on the 'books'.

Kind of like getting a $200 judgment from an ex who owes you 9K and finding out he/she owes you $9,200 but you still need to fork over a 1/3 of what you made this year come April and that will put towards your retirement and things like Fannie and Freddie. Makes those shrimp conveyer belt tests seem like such a deal.
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