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Old 12-04-2011, 08:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post

Why? What we are talking about has nothing at all to do with TARP (which has mostly been paid back) other than the lying. It is about Treasury and the Fed withholding information and lying to two Congresses, Bush and Obama.
I'm not talking about TARP money and I concede he definitely lied during his testimony to congress. What I'm talking about is those lies may have been used in the takeover of Fannie/Freddie. Since Paulson obviously gave contrary info to what he was making public to friends I'm fairly sure his group of friends includes politicians maybe even a President or two. I find it much more likely more than a few politicians knew the truth and either didn't act or were complicit in the fall and takeover of F&F.

TARP has been paid back in full and still has money coming in. F&F cost $200 billion plus and still has plenty of money going out. Fannie and Freddie employed both Rahm Emanuel and Newt Gingrich plus many others and gave their top five executives over $6 million each in bonuses following a banner year of losing money last year.

F&F to the Gov. (Congress, President, Treasury and Fed) is like Streets and Sanitation for Chicago. It needs to be returned to the private world despite the likelihood it will get eaten up. Set them free.
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