Originally Posted by bigrun
Main reasons i contend dumya bush was worst prez...
Afgan, ok to take out terrorists camps and route the Taliban, capture and kill bin laden and get out in one year tops...end of story...but no, dumya/darth cheney say Iraq is a threat to us...
and Obama is blamed for not cleaning up dumya's 8 years of mess... 
i don't blame obama for not cleaning up the mess. i blame obama for continuing on with much of what bush started. also, one guy can't make it all, and one guy can't fix it all. i have always, and will always hold congress responsible for the majority of our issues.
it'll take years to fix what has been done. just too big a mess to fix everything at once... foreign policy failures, domestic issues being ignored or kicked down the road. too much emphasis on defense, which sucks up so much of our hard-earned money. pols feathering their own nests at the expense of ours. look how many folks lost their retirement while so many sens and reps made money on the same issues that cost soon to be retirees.
social security figures to become a bigger drain, so our most recent president and our current one both advocate lower ss withholdings. awesome.
the number one issue should be what to do to fix jobs, to encourage creation. that will generate more income to state and federal. than work on the budget, what to attack first.
they also need to work on afganistan-it'll never get better, we need to take what we've gotten and haul ass. karzai wants to talk to the taliban, let him. but we need out first.