Thread: Cain withdraws
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Old 12-04-2011, 02:10 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
Dee Tee Stables
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Originally Posted by bigrun View Post
I agree with 99%....but the hard right wants to blame Obama for everything...and he hasn't even started a war....i know elections are coming up but they have been preaching that sermon from day one...
yeah, but no one really gives a rats ass about the far right except the far right.
and yeah, he hasn't started a war-but we're still in afganistan. it's his now.
i am also bothered by the govt always being in election mode-from the top down. and when i say govt, i don't mean just the president. i don't mean just the house, or the senate. it's all of them, in permanent election mode. they don't want decisions made, votes taken, news let out, until after the election...or pass something tough that will run just past the next one wants to take a stand because the two parties don't want to lose seats. we need people with some spine to say to hell with the democratic party, or the republican party, and take a stand and do the dirty work that needs to be done. else the dirty work will never get fixed, and the problems will just snowball.
obama said he was for change-i scoffed then, and for good reason. he can't change it-they even have him toeing the line. he said even if it costs me re-election, i'll do the tough stuff. or not. that's on him-but all the issues are on all of them.
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