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Old 10-31-2006, 10:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Independent George
You use a statement about Mc Cain and Bush's penis, and then you have the balls to call people the Republican Slime Machine.
When guys as bright as Rove choose to spend their mental energy on getting people re-elected and not on policy... something is broken. That goes for both parties. Some of the most inovative people in society now spend their time like masters of marketing. Thats a totally sad comment... all the money and intellectual energy spent on getting back in office, with very little in the way of policy to back it up. And if you do have policy, hide it. Messed up.

I find it amusing that Bush is only making speeches in Georgia, South Carolina... they wont let him near Ohio or any other contentious State. Good politics, but incredibly revealing about the slime machine. And for those who think Bush has a giant ego, he knows not to go into certain States for the sake of his party. He is much smarter than people think. He is taking a direct slap in the face for the team.
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