What is comical is how idiots defend this moron John Kerry. And then there are idiots that defend the moron George Bush.
Learn to think for yourself people. It is almost like the Republicans and Democrats never take any accountability. When their guy says or does something stupid they immediately switch it around and tell us how bad the other guy is.
These idiots that have turned Kerry's moronic statement around by saying "well George Bush started the war" or "George Bush this and that" are idiots like the people that defend George Bush.
If you are a party person, you people are destroying our country. You party people have left america at the point where there is no accountability. You just look the other way and blame the other guy. IT IS DISGUSTING, and you are ruining my country.
Rush Limabaugh's, Al Frankens, Sean Hannity's, Janine Garafolos, and all these fools are con artists that laugh all the way to the bank at this country's expense.