One of your very best.
Man o' man...I sat on my hands for quite a while.
Despite the fact that Kerry needs to enroll in my "comedy school", I agree with John Murtha that it's up to him to explain.
Kerry fed the Repumplicans some "red meat". They'll spin it as much as they can. Last I knew, Kerry wasn't running for anything.
I'll take his words that he was trying to attack Dubya's lack of "education", ie- doing his "homework" before getting our great country involved in the debacle called Iraq, that has cost us almost 3,000 brave soldiers, 20,000 wounded, and a cost of 8 billion a month. PS...we're not "winning" and presently, our military is taking orders, not from our "commander-in-deceit" but rather from remove roadblocks in Sardr City (abandoning one on the field).
Anyway, Lynne Chaney did an interview today and spoke of a famous battle.
No, it wasn't Vietnam, nor Midway, nor Normandy.
It happened during the Civil War at a place called Gettysburg.
This one was decisive.
In my humble view, Kerry only fed some "red meat" to those that wish to out flank the reality of current circumstances.
This is Dubbya's war of choice (Iraq). It's his to lose...and also ours.
If you know what "victory" will look like, please let me know.
Kerry was stupid for saying what he did.
Dubbya was even stupider for getting us all into this continuing tragedy, what he did.
They BOTH have to own their words and actions.