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Old 11-01-2006, 04:32 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
Hialeah Park
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Stamford, NY
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
I agree! My only dog in this fight is the simple fact that none of these clowns is worth voting for! I'll say it again...nominate Hillary and I'll vote for her with a song in my heart, bet! Any of these other "Keystone Kops" way! Well...maybe Condy!
So nice to see that you and I agree.
I'm not quite sure about Hillary. Heck, I live in NY and she hasn't shown me a lot. Moinahan's (sp) shoes just might have been too big for her to fill.
She continues to disappoint.
Condi??? Excuse lady? No thanks. She's played for too long and has been ineffective so far.
Obama? I just don't know enough. Very charismatic but the "proof is in the pudding".
Kerry apologized for being misinterpreted. He holds no chance now either.
Here are some words from a song that ran through my head all day while I was doing the "firewood" thing...
"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the I am."

Please excuse my spelling. I'm plenty tired after today's efforts.
Tomorrow will be a new day and there's a ton to do.
For now, it's enough to sit down and try to make sense of the things that really don't.
I hope that someone with vision finds a way to bring our great country out of the mess that we've bought.
Hey! If it stops wasting the lives of people, both ours and theirs, I'll be for that resolution.
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