Thread: Tampa
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Old 02-25-2012, 04:21 AM
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MaTH716 MaTH716 is offline
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Default Timeline time

Wow, what a blur this past 4 days has been. I had the pleasure of meeting many fellow dt'ers and hopefully created friendships that will last a very long time.
So while I sit in Tampa international with about an hour to kill I'll try to give you the highlights and lowlights of a very memorable 4 days.

Tuesday- Trip starts when I fly into Orlando for business at the crack of dawn. Not expected to meet up with the gang until the next day. Eat breakfast at a rancid IHOP that will lead to many lowlights in the following days. But in the short term I have a brief laugh at stuffing up their lone toilet on the way out. I high tail it out of there before they find out and expect to undo the carnage that I did. But in the end they will get the last laugh, believe me..........

In the meantime I have tons of time to kill as it's early and I'm not expected at my destination until late afternoon, but I do start heading towards that direction. As I'm driving on I4 I see a sign for a dog track, hell why not? So I cut across 4 lanes and get off having no idea where or how far this place is. Thankfully it was only about 20 minutes away, with the only thing guiding me are these little signs that I keep spotting by the grace of God every few miles. But with his guiding hand I stumble across the Orlando Sanford dog track. I am absolutely floored, it's 11am and they just opened. I'm walking around and admiring the place like it's the Lourve.

Boarding has started, to be continued (probably tonight)..........
Felix Unger talking to Oscar Madison: "Your horse could finish third by 20 lengths and they still pay you? And you have been losing money for all these years?!"
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