Thread: baseball moves
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Old 02-25-2012, 05:28 AM
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Originally Posted by wiphan View Post
Learn the facts my friend about what happened. MLB has no leg to stand on. They are lucky Braun doesn't sue MLB for defamation. Listen to Braun's press conference and what they learned about how things were handled, specifically how the sample was mishandled. Braun and his lawyer had to go after the testing process because that was the only way to be exonerated. If you know Ryan or if you have followed him and his career at all you would not believe him to be a juicer. He is either the best liar ever or he is speaking from his heart and the truth. If he did take PED's he could have just admitted some wrong doing and just take the punishment and blame the system. He has a 9yr guaranteed contract. The test results shouldn't have been leaked and the way the sample was handled was very suspect.
He does not appear to me to be a juicer and I believe him. My point to you was passing a lie detector is not "proving innocense" it simply is passing a lie detector especially one privately done. Thinking about this more MLB can do nothing but hopefully tighten its procedures so this cant happen again. Drug testing is good for the game.
Game Over
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