Thread: baseball moves
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Old 02-26-2012, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
Love the Hebrew Hammer as much as you but what do you make of the Mets contention that "How did synthetic Testosterone get in is urine sample?" Your response is kind of lame and totally ignores the contention of the Mets players.
Braun has been tested over 25 times in his major league career. His numbers have stayed consistent over his entire career. He is not stupid and wouldn't have used testosterone of all things. It just doesn't add up. He won arbitration where is presumed guilty not innocent. Since the chain of custody was against protocol and the way the sample was handled was enough to over turn the suspension. Why was the only sample that was held for 44 hrs + by the collector the only one that had elevated testosterone? Mets players should worry about their team and their own issues. If the sample was handled like it was susposed to and the same results occurred then Braun would be serving 50 games, but there is suspicion on what could have happened to the sample during the time when it was held by the collector.
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