Originally Posted by golfer
That's the whole point. I'm not saying Tebow is definitely better than Gabbert, but it really doesn't matter.
I can tell you first hand how difficult it has been for the Jaguars to sell tickets here. Almost every home game for at least the last 2 years has been close to blacked out.
It's not about Gabbert, it's about making this franchise important, possibly for the 1st time ever. That's what bringing Tebow here would do, for better or worse (on the field).
Seth NFL radio had on a TU writer on this morning, and on local sports talk they took a poll and most surprisingly to me too, did not want them to get Tebow. Having just signed signed Henne I just do not see it happening bro. We both know from living here it's a college town. Until they put a winning product on the field, and even if they win that fact may not change.