Originally Posted by dellinger63
No I mentioned a group that was pro-life and was PERCEIVED as anti-woman.
Is Al qaeda the only ones killing their wives and daughters to preserve honor? Is it only them who don't allow women to socialize with the opposite sex? Is it only al qaeda women that can't drive, go to college and marry who they want? And for Allah's sake what about the gay muslims? Or are there none as preached by the whacko Pres of Iran? What about a muslim woman who wants an abortion, a career or marry outside of her religion.
Comparing Islam as a whole to Christianity is like comparing Manson to the 14-year old who got caught shoplifting.
al qaeda is a terrorist group. they kill people. they don't care what age, sex, religion. they just kill, as many as they can where ever they can. hasn't got to do with honor, or race, or gays, etc
this case has got nothing to do with this killers religion-i don't even know what religion he follows. i do know he claims to be a member of al qaeda-and that he targeted soldiers and jews because he doesn't agree with their politics and their being involved with afganistan.
as for santorum, etc-they are perceived as anti-women becase santorum and his ilk
are anti-women. they want to run this country based on their religious beliefs. it's no different than any other theocracy, or attempted theocracy. it has no business in this country!
i haven't compared christianity to muslims, because it's got nothing to do with that at all. this shooting and other terrorist acts have to do with terror-with murder. you're the one who keeps trying to make it about religion-it's not about that. but you're determined to drag it back to religion. good luck with that.
you obviously didn't read the slate article, or if you did you stuck your fingers in your ears or your hands over your eyes because it doesn't jibe with your beliefs or your mindset.
look at the okla city bombing, a terrorist act. did that have to do with religion? no. it was just a mass killing, much like those carried out by al qaeda. a different type of serial killing by a couple of whackos.