He's not an all-time great. I don't give a f.uck what you, Chuck, ESPN, God, Baby Jesus, etc say on the issue.
He's missing something. Comes off as a complete and total ******* and definitely won't be a successful businessman once his career his over.
Why are you comparing him to accomplished players? This f.ucking guy was called King James and The Chosen One for a reason. He hasn't delivered. No matter how many excuses you make for the guy. All he has done is win with bad teams and disappear when it matters.
I just hate the guy. The more you idiots try and prop him up the more I hate him. I see the fear in him. He's WEAK. All of the other guys you mentioned were men. Not adult babies.
He had no excuses last year. That was one of the biggest choke jobs in sports history. I'm going to pray that his stacked team years fail like they did with Malone and the Lakers, Barkley and the Rockets, etc. etc. Pi.ss on weak assholes winning titles by becoming betas.
Last edited by Coach Pants : 03-31-2012 at 07:31 AM.