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Old 04-25-2012, 03:07 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
Dee Tee Stables
Join Date: May 2006
Location: The Natural State
Posts: 29,939

true that it won't affect your child on your farm. however, jobs that have been held by teens for years in the country will be affected.
every summer where i grew up kids went to work in the tobacco fields. around here it's tomato farms. that type of work would definitely be affected. many kids look forward to working in the tomato sheds around here-it's good money for about six weeks of work. the jobs go fast.
thank goodness the govt is here to protect our children from the adults. goodness knows that picking tobacco and boxing tomatoes is incredibly dangerous work. and no one in their family has the common sense to figure out whether a poor 16-17 year old child can do work or not. of course if they commit murder, they're an adult...but working on a farm?! oh, the humanity.
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