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Old 06-12-2012, 10:43 AM
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dellinger63 dellinger63 is offline
Join Date: May 2006
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The sad thing is the complete disconnect the union brainwashed Chicago Public School teachers have with reality. The City of Chicago and the State of Illinois are not only broke, both are severely in debt, there is no money for any raise what more 30% collectively. I heard an interview with the head of the teachers union (who obviously does not believe in healthy food or exercise, at least for herself) where she was asked if longer school days would help educate children? She quickly responded no!

Can’t believe the reporter didn’t ask, “If that is the case and longer school days will not help the children will shorter days work? And if that’s the case will lowering pay work? How about relieving the teachers of their union all-together? How much do all the union officials, buildings, vacations, cars perks etc amount to every year?”

Sure some teachers deserve a raise just as some teachers don’t and some even need to be fired. None of them deserve the con-job given to them by their union. Job performance rather than job seniority should be the predominant factor when deciding pay scales, you know like it is in the private ‘real world’.
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