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Old 06-13-2012, 10:09 AM
Clip-Clop Clip-Clop is offline
The Curragh
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Manningtown, Colorado
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Originally Posted by Calzone Lord View Post
The last time I played dice drunk I lost $1,100 in about 25 minutes and all with my girlfriend standing and watching.

She was getting pale near the end and kept saying "oh my god, I want to vomit"

I was annoyed, but laughing at her and just told her I'm glad I'm getting my share of my bad luck out of the way here tonight.

I'd won about eight or nine times in a row prior for sessions where I tried to make $100. The time eventually comes where you have to pay the piper and the edge in their favor plays itself out.

After getting beat for $1,100 you just have to give up on trying to force the winning session. The casino has more cash than you do.

You keep winning $100 everytime -- sometimes it's a battle, sometimes it's the quickest and easiest thing in the world -- and you're getting comps left and right. But all it takes is one crazy streak that you find the wrong side of ... and you get hurt.

It's a fun time up there at 2AM on a Monday.

You get 10X odds in the back -- so the takeout is much less than 0.5%.
I keep the wife by my side and she keeps every chip of a different color than I started with that comes my way. I have walked away a loser many times to learn I had $300 in her bag. My usual goal is to double the stake and leave.
You are getting 10x on all number or just 4 and 10? 10x on 5,6,8,9 seems like the casino would be putting the odds in your favor at least one or two players anyway.
don't run out of ammo.
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