Originally Posted by OldDog
Where are these statements published? I would like to read them so that I might be "ignorant" no more.
Good grief? why start

You've already offered your opinion, apparently before reading what has been publicly available on the subject. As have many others on this thread
I posted a couple links with link-throughs and detailed info at the start of the thread, and a simple google gives much information. The expert witness testimony, and parts of Ann Romneys deposition.
You know - for those folks that want information
before they make up their minds
Maybe one of the highly-educated lawyers around here could offer an opinion on what the "Defendant Sanctions" the judge placed upon Romney and her trainer could involve? I seriously don't know - what type of stuff gets a judge angry enough to sanction the defendants before the jury trial occurs?
Why did the defendant's lawyer try to get the suing party to sign "keep silent" agreements? (refused)
Or, we can discuss what Thoroughbred racing and sport horse owners should do, when they have a lame horse, uninsured for that lamness, that can no longer do their job, and their trainer/legal agent sells the animal for them as "sound", but then the owner is sued as the horse actually was not sound, ends up not being able to do the work as alleged when sold, and was found to be loaded with multiple painkillers during the sale. What should that owner do? Should they stick with that trainer? Enjoy the $20K profit and say "suck it, buyer" and settle out of court? Fire the trainer and make the sale right with the buyer?