Originally Posted by Danzig
that's the big question right now, who will drop coverage? the answer is most, if not all, small groups will. if it's cheaper to pay the fine than continue to carry the coverage, and knowing employees can get it thru exchanges, why would any small employer keep their current plan?
The program has been designed specifically to
increase coverage among small business people and their employees. There are significant new tax credits for companies with less than 50 employees, that provide health insurance through purchase on the exchanges (which makes it less expensive, too)
And if an employer choses to dump his employees off insurance entirely, they will not be left out to dry, they will be able to find individual insurance on the exchanges at the same price and coverageas their previous group rates.
In fact, aside from the huge small business benefits, the entire ACA is a very large middle class tax
credit - not a fantasy "huge tax hike".