Originally Posted by Clip-Clop
Coverage provider for the single payer. Is it the state? Is it the Federal Gov't? Is it medicare? Is it a private company signed up to take in the huddle masses and already sick of Oregon and Vermont?
Or is it more of the same like physicians and hospitals?
Smilie all you like, being vague about something so revolutionary as single payer should really be accompanied by a detail or two about the system that will one day save America and put us on the level of all the other world class countries like Spain, Italy and France...
Have you paid zero attention at
all to the discussion of the Affordable Care Act on this board?
What you just said, above, makes
no sense at all
To help you: "providers" are the ones that provide the health care.
You asked who would be the providers: that would be private doctors and hospitals, as are providers now.
Perhaps what you want to know who is going to
administer a single payer program in those states? The state would.
Where does the money come from for the new state insurance exchanges? The federal government, via the ACA.
Again, to repeat a basic benefit of the Affordable Care Act, because clearly you've been paying zero attention for the past three years, or the past week: Each state gets to set up state insurance exchanges, where citizens of the state can purchase insurance. Those two states will set up single payer exchanges, where the state will be the payer.