Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
The Aurora assailant purchased 4 guns and 6,000 rounds of ammo in a two-month period, including an assault rifle. Legally.
Though the US contains enough legal firearms for every citizen to have a gun, the percentage of Americans who own firearms is declining. It was one out of two in the 1970s and now it's about one in five, and this is after 30 years of declining regulations. It gets easier and easier to buy firearms, and yet fewer Americans are buying them. So the firearm industry depends on 20 percent of the nation to keep them profitable, as most of these gun owners own more than one firearm (quick poll of the DT gun owners- how many of you own more than one firearm? You can give props to the firearm industry for their excellent manipulation of your consumer habits. You did exactly what they want you to do.). So they're thrilled when someone like Holmes buys 4 weapons and thousands of rounds of ammo in a two-month period.
So the firearm industry gets White America worked up over omigawd the brown guy in the White House is going to take our guns away and gun owners obediently file out to buy more firearms, ammunition, whatever the gun industry tells them is going to be taken away from them. And there's not an iota of truth to any of the lies but gun owners are easily manipulated by fear.
And so people like Holmes can purchase 4 guns and 6000 rounds of ammunition in a two-month period, including an assault rifle and there was no way to flag the fact that a guy was accumulating a ridonkuolous amount of firepower or to stop him. And a six-year-old is dead and her mother lies paralyzed in a hospital, still unaware she will never see her child again. And that's just one of the victims.
The fact that the NRA has endorsed Romney, who has signed gun-control legislation (a ban on assault weapons), and not Obama, who has never signed gun-control legislation, nor has he made any effort to push legislation in the past 4 years, should make it really clear that it's not about "freedom" or "safety." It's about business. And corporations are people my friend. What's a six-year-old's life compared to the rights of industry?
we have 17 guns. accumulated them over the years, different calibers, different uses. and i'm no more inclined to commit a crime now than i was when i had none, or bought my first. gun ownership doesn't mean criminal intent. and most people don't want their rights taken away because of the occasional nut job, who would wreak havoc via another method. my big question is considering his mothers comments after, why did no one do a thing when they recognized he was becoming an issue? calls to police or mental health services may have made the difference. also, passing more controls would affect people like me, but not people like holmes. someone hellbent on destruction is going to get his way.
oh, and check out my link above regarding politicizing tragedies like these. your post reminded me of that article.
and yes, the firearm industry gets worked up whenever a dem is in office, regardless of color. i think that point you tried to make is ridiculous.
and crime rates, including violent crimes, have been on a decline. a report said crime overall is the lowest it's been in decades.