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Old 11-08-2006, 04:08 PM
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GenuineRisk GenuineRisk is offline
Atlantic City Race Course
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Originally Posted by Revolution
You lunatic liberal elitists from NY need to get mental help. Your conspiracy theories are what allows extremists to take things over. You completely biased partisans are sickening. Why can't you be happy a bad man is now gone. Why? Because you liberal elitists don't really care about our country you just like to have punching bags and complain. You are no better than the right wing lunatics you complain about.
Sweeeettttt.... I wondered when you were going to call this crossword-puzzle lover a liberal elitist again. Ooh, say it again, Rev! It's likely the closest I'll ever actually be to being one, seeing as how I ain't exactly making the big bucks! Say it again! "Ellllleeeeeetiiiiiist." Oh, gets me hot when it comes from your fingers.

In the meantime, you crossword puzzle-hater, I was making a funny-- see "tinfoil hat" comment, later. And the Lieberman theory came off of a CONSERVATIVE website, as I said in the post. For the love of God, find your sense of humor. Maybe you left it under a rock? Tossed it in the wash with your undies? Crumpled it up in a beer napkin and left it in a bar? Where'd you put it? Huh? Huh?

But first, say it to me again, soft and breathy, "ellleeeeeeetisssssst." Oh. Oh, yeah.
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