Originally Posted by Clip-Clop
15% unemployment in that group (documented unemployment) those folks have some form of ID.
88% of 18-24 year-old Americans couldn't find Afghanistan on a map in 2006 according a National Geographic survey.
33% couldn't find Louisiana on a map of the US.
Maybe it is OK if they are "disenfranchised".
No. It is not "OK" for you to disenfranchise fellow American citizens you don't think are worthy. They have the same rights as you. Get over it.
Face the truth: Current aggressive voter disenfranchisement attempts by Republican state legislatures are not to prevent any voter fraud, they are to eliminate legal American voters that ALEC-GOP don't think will vote Republican. That's why these laws were written by ALEC and distributed to the GOP Govs.
And some worry about ACORN - LOL