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Old 06-13-2006, 04:14 PM
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Seattleallstar Seattleallstar is offline
The Curragh
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 2,866

"You find that kind of realtionship fulfilling do you? Corresponding with girls in the phillipines hundreds of miles away? Sounds like a great sex life. But I suppose you don't have to worry about snoring or panty hose hanging in the bathroom.""

From Oracle

nothing wrong with staying in touch, and your assumptions about the Filipino culture from reading something satrical off the internet is quite stupid. The girls I met live in city, come from well to do backgrounds considering it is the Philippines, they are educated, and very nice, smart girls. No one is my girlfriend, I like them they like me but considering the current circumstances a relationship is out of the question.

As for the other girl, well im still trying to figure her out

theres also "the" girl but shes with someone and i still have to get over the fact she maybe nothing more than a friend anymore

Last edited by Seattleallstar : 06-13-2006 at 04:17 PM.
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