Originally Posted by bigrun
Remember Romney is a zillionaire and Obama only a thousandaire...so your above distribution is fair and equal... 
Yea but once again the truth again shows the emperor wears no clothes
Obama's charitable donation as percentage of income.
2010 14.2%
2009 6.0%
2008 6.5%
2007 5.8%
2006 6.1%
2005 4.7%
2004 1.2%
2003 1.4%
2002 0.4% ($1,050 on $259,294)
2001 0.5% ($1,470 on $272,759)
2000 1.0%
Obviously the President believes, at least for himself, making $250K/year leaves little room in the budget for charitable donations. And BTW he's a saint compared to the vice president. who gave $195 bucks on 215K in 1998 and $120 bucks on 210K in 1999. In fact the Biden's never gave more than a grand in a year until he became VP
Wake up America and see the con-men for what they are!