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Old 08-07-2012, 02:29 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
Dee Tee Stables
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
You're coming to the belief 9 of 10 really don't believe in God based on one's actions not words then.

So using that logic 9 of 10 cigarette smokers do not believe smoking causes cancer and death.

Compare: If you really believed that cigarettes cause cancer, would you light up?
first off, 9/10 isn't something you can extrapolate for all cases/questions/scenarios based on one survey.

i'd imagine that most smokers think they won't get cancer. typically, when someone engages in a risky behavior, they don't really consider that they are at risk.
for instance, if i rode a motorcycle, i wouldn't necessarily be afraid of riding it, or think i'd be in an accident. however, i'm not happy at all knowing my son owns one. you don't worry about yourself in those types of situations. smokers know full well the risk, and decide to engate in it anyway.

and it is both words and deeds that tell me what people are like. i mean, if people really believed-why do people willingly break many of the ten commandments on a regular basis? why do people struggle so hard to live longer, if they really know heaven and a better life is waiting? why would people say 'i'm going to church just in case'-if god is all knowing, wouldn't he know they're just hedging their bets??

i used to smoke- i never took the dangers into thought. and i didn't quit because of warning labels, i quit because i no longer wanted to pay the price, which was about to jump.
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