Originally Posted by Riot
Every crowd in the United States is inherently "mixed race", Dell. Well, maybe not at Romney events.
Chains .. you mean aside from the Puritans in stocks, many prisoners from 1700's to 1900's, and oh, African Americans on slave ships or here?
Paul Ryan said the exact same thing using the word "shackles".
There was nothing wrong with what Joe said. How about if he said it this way, "They want to unshackle Wall Street from regulation ... that will put YOU back in schackles"?
Gimme a freakin' break. The Faux Republican Poutrage - just screams, "Southern Strategy time - we gotta scream race, find us an opportunity!" And coming from the party that lives on the Southern Strategy, and has called this President every fuc.k.ing racist dog whistle from "you lie" to "welfare president" to "not a real American" to "Kenyan", it doesn't stand the smell test.
GTF out of here, Republicans, with that baloney.
"Deaf, Dumb and Blind, you just keep on pretending."
"Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel."
Roger has been trying to warn the likes of you for a very long time.