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Old 08-18-2012, 07:43 PM
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bigrun bigrun is offline
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Originally Posted by pointman View Post
Nice job making an absolute fool of yourself. You are the only sock puppet here and you consistently need Riot to make a fool of herself in an attempt to save you. Get over it, the many other people who expose your daily fraudulent positions are not sock puppets, they are people who have intellect and common sense.

Now why don't you go and try another dishonest liberal fallback out of the Axelrod playbook and keep calling those who call for stricter immigration enforcement raciest's, jackass. Or better yet, do us all a favor and put your head back in the sand and use your hands to wave your Obama pom poms instead of typing and making a fool of yourself.

Dodging the question again and attack attack, your only and that puppet you dragged out of the closet preaching the same old song...and find the post where i called ANYONE a racist,dipschit..I'm not in to name calling..except in your know, tit for tat...
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