Originally Posted by Coach Pants
So I heard you were accusing me of being the new faux republican f.ucktard...so I had to look at your attempt as trolling to get me back. Well it worked.
Bob, I know a little about you now. I can only assume you're a spy/paid shill for foreigners who want to destroy this country. It's the only viable conclusion I could come up with. Because you're not retarded.
But a paid shill would repeatedly parrot that gay rights and abortion are the big issues they're concerned about for the 2012 election. I'm too lazy to link the two posts but you did say that.
So who is paying you? Is part of the deal in your big business operation that involves selling your soul to China involve being a total f.ucking buffoon on the internet to brainwash people into agreeing with you that gay rights and abortion are what they should base their vote on?
Because that is the pattern I'm seeing from you. It just wreaks of disingenuous slacktivism on your part. Or maybe you're just projecting.
If so, congratulations on your engagement and future wedding, abortion, divorce, and marriage to Teddy.
Ciao, douche.
Actually Coach, I thought Mr Dispenser was a wildly successful character that only a few brilliant people could create...you and Drugs being the two I thought of first. Not sure why the lashing out because I thought we had a comfortable "agree to not agree" understanding. I enjoy the debate far more than I do the seriousness of the debate. If you truly think they we are on a road to destruction, than so be it..I don't. And enough with the douche stuff..seriously?