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Old 08-20-2012, 04:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants View Post
Comparisons to pace advantage? Well I think that PA doesn't have a liberal quite on the level of Riot. Sure they had that weird Canadian guy but he's not in her league. If you want to make this sub-forum better then I propose sacrificing second tier party tards like dimmy and bigpun.

And if that doesn't work get rid of Riot and the new Bizarro Riot.
You were doing quite well until you admitted that you are completely intolerant and incapable of dealing with anybody who doesn't think as you do - and blaming them for your own failings.

And BTW, if you think I'm a liberal, you are woefully ignorant of the political spectrum in this country.

I'm sure you, and others here, would love to have everyone who doesn't share the anger and hate kicked off this board. Makes it much easier for the haters to self-justify.
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