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Old 08-21-2012, 09:16 PM
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my miss storm cat my miss storm cat is offline
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
Well . . . I know I feel bettah!

Originally Posted by GBBob View Post
Wow..Socialism. I guess I will just go away becuse the hysteria and paranoia is just beyond belief around here. I guess as Hoss said, this is a PA sub thread now. The ironic part is all the right hysteria is IN THE MINORITY...Bye Bye..Congrats...You win...another Liberal will disappear from DT along with Miraja, Hoss, Spenser, god etc...
I have made 23 posts in politics since the beginning of the year.

Four on the dolphin thread, one on the Dr. MLK statue thread, one on the internet strike thread, one on the Memorial Day thread and of the remaining one was just a stupid joke about Blame (the horse, not the other kind).

The rest were political one of which I admitted to being a lifelong Democrat up until last year.

My point is saying this is I have no idea why you chose my post to announce your break but i felt like I should say something so I'll echo Coach and wish you a happy break.

Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Gee, so very sorry, my goodness gosh!

I was looking back through the archives today, it must be hold over from all the times I was initially attacked and called "c.un.t" "f.ucking idiot", etc. when I first started daring to post down in Hate-Obama-Land, and I would just ignore it and put up with it.

Now, of course, because I no longer put up with it, I'm the problem in this forum

Or maybe it was your gentile, objective description of our First Lady. Nanny Nazi Buffoon! Heavens! The words! I don't know what she did to deserve that, but what the hell, huh?

You call them assholes, etc. and you have the vapors over language! Heavens ! You are such a good person!

So, do tell: if you are afraid of the influence of Rev. Wright on President Obama, characterize that influence that you fear.

Others here have said it is the "angry black man that hates whites" meme because that's what Wright said in a couple sermons that everyone is so concerned about - so that is why I said it.

Tell me what you fear, and then tell me why you think Obama is hiding it and not showing it throughout his last years of public life under the microscope.

And you can continue to laugh at things like the actual numbers of jobs created, the actual direction of our GDP, the actual status of the financial situation of our country. It's easier than giving a president you obviously dislike in spite of any factual accomplishment credit for what he's actually, measurably, accomplished.

And if you think your vitriolic rant of "Nanny Nazi Buffoon" isn't non-objective "hate" towards the First Lady, then that explains why the conspiracy theorists, bigots, racists, birthers, Kenyan-Muslim-Communist-President haters are so very dominant on this forum.

Heavens! They are so afraid to post! Someone may point at them, and call them out on their words and behaviour!

Well, get used to it, assorted Obama-haters, racists, Muslim haters, conspiracy theorists, birthers and general uneducated loons - people who read the news, try to be informed by reality (not conspiracy theory) and voted for the president - and who didn't vote for the president - get to post here, too. And if you don't like it, leave, or cover your poor eyes so you don't need your fainting couch because someone objects to your calling the First Lady a Nanny Nazi Buffoon
I'll try to respond to this in order...

Yeah Riot I know exactly what you've been called but you said you were looking through the archives... I have never called you anything.

For the record I've been called names too.

I've had people I like very much disagree with me and that's just life.

I have disagreed with you and pointed out why I think you're being unfair and ridiculous and sure that is just my opinion.

I've backed up a few reasons for not being a fan of FLOTUS... I don't like being embarrassed and find her as such.

I wasn't meaning to say I am such a wonderful person... I guess I didn't make that really clear. I am or try to be how Americans are. Charitable, giving, hard working, taking care of loved ones, that kind of thing.

Some people need help, sure, and other just get used to having their hands out.

You talk about the actual number of jobs created? Ummm sorry but no. Not buying that one. It's about tweeking numbers and not including certain groups who have given up even looking, etc.

You have asked about what i fear twice in your post after I had just said this...

Originally Posted by my miss storm cat View Post
I have every right to say the things I do about either / both of them and to be disgusted and **** anyone who turns my words around to make it like I am somehow saying the things I do because I live in fear.
If i didn't explain myself well I apologize.

It's not about living in's about having concerns of any kind because the most powerful person in the world has what seems to some, myself included, questionable judgement.

The accusations you made and continue to make bother me a lot.

I changed my party for many reasons. One was that it is no long the party of inclusion. If you disagree there is something wrong with you or you have an agenda.


I'm done here for now and am going back to look at the racing threads.

I don't know how some people do this every day... I find it draining when you speak but people refuse to hear your words and that's how I feel with you.

I've had nothing but nice little conversations with you on other threads about other stuff.

I have a hard time understanding your thoughts and reactions though and I just don't like bullying of any kind and accusations of racism... that's when I don't want to keep quiet any more.

Think what you want of me. That's fine.

The country has suffered at the hands of this President and I can't wait to give anyone else the chance to begin to try to fix things.
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