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Old 09-17-2012, 11:27 AM
Coach Pants
Posts: n/a

Cutler has the potential to be great. The problem with him is he has some serious personality disorders. And yes I believe he has many of them.

What they need is a few linemen that have the intelligence to realize their quarterback is special in a Rain Man type of way.

It really just has to be one strong personality on the line to condition the others. Make them accept that their quarterback is an as.shole...but an as.shole with a rocket for an arm.

Part of their job is protecting the guy. Yes liking him is important...but giving him another chance could pay dividends, and when you win you can have the antichrist as a teammate and love him like a brother.

Also you need a coach that can handle a special needs person like Cutler. Lovie isn't on the level.
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