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Old 09-17-2012, 08:10 PM
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dagolfer33 dagolfer33 is offline
The Curragh
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Originally Posted by MaTH716 View Post
Obviously I'm biased. Didn't even know something happened until I got home (ran out after the Boley interception) but I thought it was bush league and very amateur. It's not like they were pinned inside the one. Tampa had no timeouts left, the game was over. I hope someone gives Freeman a needless shot in the upcoming weeks for no reason, because thats all it was to Manning and the Giants O-line. But honestly I'm not suprised. I have always thought that Schiano was a douche during his Rutgers days. This is just another reason for me to root against him and hope he falls flat on his face
Definitely bush league. The alarming thing I see going on game in/game out so far with the replacement refs, coaches and players alike are pushing things into the gray areas as far as late hits, holds, illegal contact, and extra-curricular skirmishes. I would go so far as to say some of the games look like they were about to get away from the control of the refs.
"Let the whiners and lazy cry about how impossible "they've" made it to win at this game." - Steve Byk
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