Originally Posted by Thepaindispenser
We don't live in a vacuum, tax cuts and increases are just one of many factors that need to be taken in context. Clinton's growth was an Internet bubble economy. Something tells me the bursting of the internet fake economy bubble, 9/11, and the housing crisis had a lot more to do with the declining economy than tax cuts. That chart only goes back to 1990. What about JFK's and Reagan's tax cuts? What about that today's economy is a true global economy that has never been seen before where capital and labor can easily be shifted to tax friendlier nations? How does raising taxes stimulate growth?
i didn't read the study...but i do know that as taxes have decreased for the wealthy over the years, job growth has also suffered. the wealthiest are paying less in taxes than any time in the last 80 years-kind of disproves the trickle down theory.
think about it. your amount of money grows, your taxes are lower-so who needs tax shelters? no cost to you if you let your money just sit and grow. used to be those with money would use it and put it to work-no incentive for that now.