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Old 10-18-2012, 02:46 PM
Clip-Clop Clip-Clop is offline
The Curragh
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Manningtown, Colorado
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Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis View Post
I love it when questioned about unemployment, the republitards answer is always "get rid of all the regs so we can operate freely and increase employment" Like there is some sort of mutual exclusivity between the two.

50% of college graduates can't find work - It's not because there's no oil rigs or assembly lines to work on - if there were, they would still be over qualified for all of the manufacturing / energy jobs that will supposedly be created when Romney gets to drill and siphon fossil fuels from all over the continent.

The reality is that these, now multinational corporations, hire (or rather contract) engineers in Turkey, Singapore, China, Indonesia, India, etc. that are just as skilled and adept as their American counterparts, at a fraction of the cost.

That never seems to get discussed. A Corporation's singular fiduciary responsibility is ROI to the shareholder - they have no obligation to enhance the fabric of our society by "overpaying" for higher-end skill sets here, we simply exist to purchase their wares.

How about if you want to sell your crap here, you have to prove that your higher-end skilled jobs are filled here?

I know - Craaaaaazy talk. Protectionism (OOOOOH EEEEEVIL WERRRRRD!!!11).
Perhaps they are the 50% that should not have gone to college in the first place, it isn't for everyone. Almost everyone that works for me has a degree in something that has nothing to do with what we do at my company. Mine is culinary...
don't run out of ammo.
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