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Old 10-21-2012, 04:57 AM
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Kasept Kasept is offline
Steve Byk
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Greenwich, NY
Posts: 43,551
Default Week/Weekend Stakes Beyers

BEL Empire Classic S: Lunar Victory 100 (Speightstown) W. Mott/J. Alvarado
BEL Ticonderoga S: Hessonite 92 (Freud) D. Donk/R. Dominguez
BEL Mohawk S: Unbridled Command 96 (Master Command) T. Bush/R. Dominguez
BEL Hudson S: Mine Over Matter 97 (Mineshaft) M. Hushion/R. Dominguez
BEL Iroquois S: Willet 99 (Jump Start) J. Iselin/R. Maragh
BEL Joseph A. Gimma S: Matchmadeinheaven 63 (Utopia-JPN) C. Englehart/J. Lezcano
BEL Bertram F. Bongard S: Weekend Hideaway 83 (Speightstown) P. Serpe/J. Lezcano
BEL Frank "Pancho" Martin S: Hymn Book 102 (Arch) C. McGaughey/J. Rosario
BEL Temperence Hill S: Our Entourage 87 (Street Cry-IRE) D. Jacobson/R. Dominguez

KEE Raven Run S (G2): Gypsy Robin 100 (Daaher) W. Ward/J. Velazquez
KEE Pin Oak Valley View S (G3): Angel Terrace 86 (Ghostzapper) J. Sheppard/J. Graham
KEE Pin Oak Valley View S (G3): Miz Ida 91 (Proud Citizen) S. Margolis/S. Bridgmohan
KEE Sycamore S (G3): Kindergarden Kid 91 (Dynaformer) M. Maker/J. Leparoux
KEE Rood and Riddle Dowager S: Upperline -- (Maria's Mon) M. Stidham/J. Graham

SA Senator Ken Maddy S (G3): Broken Dreams 95 (Broken Vow) T. Proctor/G. Gomez
SA Big Bear H: Comma to the Top -- (Bwana Charlie) P. Miller/C. Nakatani

WO Cup and Saucer S: Star Contender 84 (Henny Hughes) M. Casse/P. Husbands
WO Bunty Lawless S: Pender Harbour 92 (Philanthropist) M. De Paulo/L. Contreras

CT West Virginia Breeders' Classic S: Lucy's Bob Boy 94 (Flatter) S. Dono/G. Larrosa
CT West Virginia Breeders' Classic S: Down Town Allen 78 (Windsor Castle) J. Casey/M. McGowan

DED Jean Lafitte S: Bern Identity -- (Bernstein) K. Breen/P. Lopez
DED My Trusty Cat S: Madame Cactus 83 (Cactus Ridge) S. Asmussen/R. Eramia

HAW Lightning Jet H: Signsealndeliver 96 (Private Terms) R. Brueggemann/F. Geroux
HAW Powerless H: Missjeanlouise 88 (Victory Gallop) R. Brueggemann/F. Geroux

DEL Barbaro S: Stephanoatsee 87 (A.P. Indy) H. Motion/S. Russell
DEL Rosenberger Memorial S: Bryan's Jewel 89 (Rockport Harbor) M. Robertson/R. Santana
DEL DTHA Governors Day S: Win Willy 93 (Monarchos) M. Robertson/A. Cintron
All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind. ~ Joseph Conrad
A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right. ~ Thomas Paine
Don't let anyone tell you that your dreams can't come true. They are only afraid that theirs won't and yours will. ~ Robert Evans

Last edited by Kasept : 10-22-2012 at 05:20 AM.
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