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Old 11-10-2012, 10:33 AM
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GenuineRisk GenuineRisk is offline
Atlantic City Race Course
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I fear they're going to overturn it, when in fact, Pennsylvania really needs to be added to the list. I'm so embarrassed to say that about my home state.

I read an interesting piece on the new movement to award electoral votes by district, rather than winner take all, and how it also can amount to disenfranchising voters, due to gerrymandering. Made me think of you and the interesting posts you put up on popular vote vs electoral college; here's the link:

It discusses the new Ohio plan, to split electoral votes. Interesting tidbit- more votes were cast for Democratic Congressional candidates that for GOP ones on Tuesday, but due to district gerrymandering, the Dems only picked up a handful of seats.

Mind you, I don't think gerrymandering is solely a GOP thing; it is an actual case of both sides do it- it's just why I would never support doling out electoral votes by district. Too easy to gerrymander so that the majority of a state could vote for one candidate, and the majority of the vote could go to the other.
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