Thread: NFL Playoffs
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Old 01-21-2013, 09:43 AM
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Originally Posted by MaTH716 View Post
He did a terrible job last night before the half. Squandered a good chance at getting 7 versus walking away with only 3.

But, its Hard to argue about him as a coach and all that he's accomplished. He was a poor Tom Brady pass away from winning another championship last year.
That was terrible before the half. They haven't gotten over the hump since they stopped filming the other team, coincidence? I didn't think so but I'm not sure anymore.

I think the real reason is Brady is soft. He won't take the hit to make the play anymore. Once he gets hit a few times his QB rating gets cut in half. That just throwing the ball away on 4th down instead of running was laughable. I hope someone calls him out on it.

Last edited by 3kings : 01-21-2013 at 10:00 AM.
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