Originally Posted by Calzone Lord
I'm clueless on most subjects known to man.
And currently suffering from a potentially life threatening/cancer causing (if you believe Golfer's links) infected tooth.
Other than that, we are stride for stride in the Italian know-it-all department, in pursuit of the categorical gold standard Rock Hard Ten'85
Apparently, you got the worst of the double standard because Reese obviously has a heart and is rooting for me in my great health struggle of the moment.
However, I'm sure a great many are rooting for the infected tooth to prevail in a swift glorious victory over me...leaving you to take up the running without me.
If you die from tooth cancer, I promise to go off my low-carb diet and eat a Subway sandwich in your memory. For you, Doug, I will make that sacrifice. I'll even add in a bag of Doritos. The spicy sweet ones, so my pig of a toddler won't demand any.