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Old 05-16-2013, 06:52 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk View Post
Such a weird moment; being in the crowd and hearing everyone get so utterly quiet when Birdstone passed him. It wasn't that quiet earlier in the day when they asked for a moment of silence after announcing Reagan's death.

What a crowd. My husband swore he would never ever attend Belmont in a Triple Crown year after that day.
There are 3 days that I am grateful for not being at the track that day: Smarty's Belmont; Barbaro's breakdown in the Preakness (the only TC race I skipped that year, thankfully) and Eight Belle's breakdown in the Derby. (Not that every breakdown isn't heart wrenching, but those two had so much intensity with the crowds.)

My biggest regret for not being there was Rachel's win in the Woodward. I was there for Rags to Rich's Belmont and I'm positive that Rachel's Woodward had to be more electric.
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