Originally Posted by Danzig
so many charities start out for a good reason...
and then it becomes a bloated shell of its former existence, with more and more of the donations going to support the charity, instead of being used for actual charitable purposes.
donate wisely.
Susan G Komen could have kept the gravy train rolling forever if they could have kept the politics of their muckety mucks out of everything. But as soon as they ended that grant to Planned Parenthood, what did they think would happen? PP is exceptionally good at mobilizing, and has the advantage of having been used by millions of women for their health care, so it has a track record of providing services to a lot of poor and middle-class women. Who got pissed at the grant getting eliminated. And then all the skeletons started coming out of the closet.
I did the Race for the Cure once back in the mid-90s (my boyfriend's mom asked me to do it with her), but back then men weren't allowed to run and I remember thinking it was incredibly unfair that girls and women could run, regardless of their breast cancer status, but men and boys couldn't, unless they'd actually had breast cancer (rare, but happens). What, men can't be concerned about breast cancer too? First and last Race for the Cure I did. (I heard they later opened it up to men, too, but I was soured on the charity by then.)