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Old 08-09-2013, 12:12 PM
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GenuineRisk GenuineRisk is offline
Atlantic City Race Course
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
we have many archaic laws still on the books. i doubt anyone has been charged with that in years.
it's illegal to mispronounce the name 'arkansas' if you're in arkansas. i doubt anyone tries to enforce it tho.
New York woman charged with it in 2010:

And the woman in Dubai was pardoned, so same difference; she didn't end up in jail for a year for it.

Adultery is still regularly prosecuted in our military, too, isn't it?

Fact is, the woman in Dubai wasn't convicted of anything that you couldn't be convicted of here- adultery (not often enforced, but illegal in almost half of the states), making a false statement and drinking (you can arrested for public intoxication in many areas of the country, even if you aren't driving or anything like that).

I'm not disagreeing with you that it's idiotic for governments to insert themselves into the sex lives of private citizens, just that, in this case, the media spun a story in such a way that we could all shake our heads about those barbaric Arab nations jailing a woman for reporting a rape, when in fact that wasn't what happened. She rescinded the rape accusation and then was convicted for things that she confessed to and which are also illegal here in the good old US of A.

The real story, I think, is why she was pressured to rescind the claim of rape, because that's also something a lot of rape victims face here. And here they also get charged with making a false report (warning: article may raise your blood pressure):
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