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Old 08-26-2013, 02:33 PM
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dellinger63 dellinger63 is offline
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk View Post
Because private industry is never, ever, ever mismanaged and private industry never, ever gives jobs to incompetent family members.

This ridiculous meme that private industry is inherently more capable of handling public services is a zombie that just won't die. Except instead of eating brains, it eats the middle class and the poor.
Except private companies are threatened and punished for mismanagement and incompetent family members with bankruptcy and failure. While public services simply print more money and go further into debt. Passing the bill to the next generation. When the next generation doesn't have the means to pay, Detroit happens.

Artificially setting wages as a solution to poverty is equivalent to trying to open a can with a sponge or solving a criminal problem with a midnight basketball league.
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