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Old 08-29-2013, 01:43 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
Dee Tee Stables
Join Date: May 2006
Location: The Natural State
Posts: 29,939

please, check out the sample budget. i want to know in what universe health insurance only costs $20 a month?
no grocery budget? or is that part of the $25 a day spending money? of course, if one works two full time jobs, one won't have much time to eat, so that's a bonus. and how much of that $25/day in 'spending money' goes to day care, since most fast food workers are closer to 30 years of age, and have a child or children?
car payment, car and home insurance, a grand total of $250/month. excuse me while i chuckle.

oh, and the 'income' from job one-no doubt that's based on a 40 hour week. that's also what most people don't get, as that would make them 'full time', and thus eligible for benefits.
but, hey, look at how much dough they roll in by having job two.

more helpful advice:

How do I record money given to me as a gift?
List it as other income when you receive it. If you save
the cash, you should record it as a credit on the date it
was received.

Spend less money than you make.
BRILLIANT! ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. why didn't i think of that?!
  • When possible, use public transportation or carpool
  • Consider walking or riding a bike when running errands
great info for people who don't live in a city.

yeah, who needs to make more? just budget wisely!
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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