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Old 09-16-2013, 02:58 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
Jerome Park
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Originally Posted by arizonadave View Post
Mr Iris,this is where it gets weird.Watch the replay on ESPN again.He starts to put his knee down,but one of his lineman backs into him and the knee never goes down.He then just places the ball on the ground. Never have seen that in a game.Is it a fumble? Did the ASU lineman fall on the ball thinking that it was a fumble and not get up because there wasnt a whistle. It was a crazy ending.
I did not watch the game or see a replay... what was happening? was the wisconsin QB trying to kill the clock so they can kick a FG?

Taking a knee means the clock keeps running... spiking the ball stops the clock.. Did the QB take a knee instead of spike the ball?
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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