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Old 12-03-2013, 09:02 AM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
Belmont Park
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post

i suggest that trotting out the 'riot' moniker is to be considered a variation of godwin's law.

Not exactly. Our respectfully departed would drone on and on in a ridiculous attempt to try and convince (or more accurately wear down) anyone who would listen, that her skewed view, backed up with the ever famous fact-less, biased charts, was the only correct opinion.

This thread is beginning to take that turn.

I pointed out that the "facts" you keep presenting are anything but, and this "study" that keeps getting referenced is biased. Just like when she tried, ad nauseam, to brow beat people into believing that her point of view was the only acceptable perspective to hold, based on skewed data which she attempted to use to make her point, as fact.
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