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Old 12-05-2013, 10:32 AM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
Belmont Park
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
I am all for a minimum wage hike as it hasn't kept up with inflation. A move to 9 bucks would seem right. From what I have been reading this would not trigger hyper inflation. I personally am more concerned about deflation as the middle class losses more and more buying power.

Getting back to this minimum wage thing, people continue to amaze and disappoint me. I am now seeing a Fight for 15 movement where they are calling for the minimum wage to go to 15 dollars. Really they have the balls to ask for doubling of wages for an unskilled job. I was good at 9 but unless you rein this absurdlty in I will have to join the dark side and say fuk you no increase whatsoever.
J, this is essence of the discussion - if they can be forced to pay 9.00 an hour, why not 15.00?

From an economic standpoint, Employers will either have to (A) raise their prices, or (B) cut staff to accommodate the imposed sanction.

This is where the lefty's lose it. They don't get that prices must stay competitive or shoppers will go elsewhere, so in order to keep prices stable, employers will need to cut staff to pay for the wage increases.

So now the workday is scheduled so that an assistant manager at Walmart can run a cash register, mop a floor, chase shopping carts, etc. an hour or two a day: Mid-level employees will take on more menial responsibilities, so they can cut the # minimum wage jobs to compensate for the rise in wages.

If I have a store that employs 50 people, 35 of which are minimum wage employees, and I'm forced to raise what I pay them from 7.25 to 9.00 an hour, I have to find a way to accommodate a 19.4% pay increase.

I will still get the work done, only I'll do it with 28 minimum wage employees.

The very people who they think this is going to help is exactly who it negatively impacts the most.
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